
About Us





The National Coalition for Infant Health is a collaborative of professional, clinical, community health, and family support organizations that uses education and advocacy to promote patient-centered care for premature infants and their families. NCfIH envisions safe, healthy infants whose families can access the information, care and treatment their babies need.



Safety. Premature infants are born vulnerable. Products, treatments and related public policies should prioritize these fragile infants’ safety. 

Access. Budget-driven health care policies should not preclude premature infants’ access to preventative or necessary therapies.

Nutrition. Proper nutrition and full access to health care keep premature infants healthy after discharge from the NICU. 

Equality. Prematurity and related vulnerabilities disproportionately impact minority and economically disadvantaged families. Restrictions on care and treatment should not worsen inherent disparities. 



The National Coalition for Infant Health Advocates for:

  • Access to an exclusive human milk diet for premature infants

  • Increased emotional support resources for parents and caregivers suffering from PTSD/PPD

  • Access to RSV preventive treatment for all premature infants as indicated on the FDA label

  • Clear, science-based nutrition guidelines for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers

  • Safe, accurate medical devices and products designed for the special needs of NICU patients

Mitchell Goldstein, MDMedical Director, NCfIH

Mitchell Goldstein, MD

Medical Director, NCfIH

Suzanne Staebler, DNP, NNP-BCPolicy Advisor, NCfIH

Suzanne Staebler, DNP, NNP-BC

Policy Advisor, NCfIH


Steering Committee

The National Coalition for Infant Health is supported by a volunteer steering committee, all of whom contribute significantly to lives of premature infants through work and parenting. Steering committee members represent national nonprofits, academic institutions, and parent organizations, and they provide leadership as well as help to mobilize partners in the field of prematurity.