
Infant Health Safety Call to Action

Infant Health Safety Call to Action

When hospital procurement decisions are focused on cost, patients pay the price.

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Infant Health Matters: Innovation

Infant Health Matters: Innovation

Why is it important that medications and devices be developed specifically
for infants?

When it comes to medical innovation, not all patients are the same.

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Feeding Challenges for Premature Infants

Feeding Challenges for Premature Infants

One of every ten babies is born prematurely. Many of these babies are temporarily fed through a feeding tube. But as development progresses, most babies transition to traditional oral feeding. This can mean feeding from a bottle or directly from their mother’s breast. Making this leap is hard – for babies and their parents.

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Fast Facts: Fish Consumption for Pregnant Women

Fast Facts:  Fish Consumption for Pregnant Women

Pregnant women today are mindful about the importance of prenatal care and prevention, particularly with respect to nutrition. However, with a steady barrage of new information, some of it seemingly contradictory, even the most conscientious mother-to-be may struggle to determine the best choices for her baby.

This Fast Facts outlines current scientific research and clarifies potentially confusing information.

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