A quality-improvement project to standardize feeding practices for micro preemies—preterm infants born months before their due date— helped to boost their weight and nearly quadrupled the frequency of lactation consultations ordered in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), a multidisciplinary team from Children's National Health System finds.
1 in 7 babies exposed to Zika in U.S. territories have birth defects, nervous system problems
Do antibiotics during pregnancy affect the health of premature infants?
Why creating better patient experience in NICU is a smart move for hospital pocketbooks
Still a Preemie?
August is National Breastfeeding Awareness Month
Feel free to share these images on social media to spread awareness.
High HbA1c in Type 1 Diabetes Ups Risk of Heart Defects in Baby
New "pods" at local NICU will help babies born addicted to drugs
Here's how N.J. will combat 'shameful' death rate for black infants
A black infant born in New Jersey is three times more likely to die before age 1 than a white baby -- a "shameful" fact the Murphy administration said Wednesday it wants to change by investing $4.7 million in medical and community programs.
Short-Term Acid-Suppression Advised for Pediatric Gastroesophageal Reflux
How to promote new therapies for neonates though education and extended exclusivity
Maternal diet in pregnancy tied to changes in infant gut microbiome
Infant Massages helps babies in Mercy Hospital's NICU
Blood Test Might Predict Pregnancy Due Date and Preterm Birth
CDC: Preterm Births Increased in United States During 2014-2016
Hearing Mom’s Recorded Voice May Help NICU Newborns Sleep Better
According to the preliminary findings of a new study, newborns staying in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) tend to sleep better if they can listen to a recording of their mother’s voice.
Understanding the Lack of Clinical Trials for Infants and Children
Click below to read the summary report from Clinical Trials Awareness Week.