by Mitchell Goldstein, M.D.
A Health Policy Brief from he Institute for Patient Access
“Preemie Matters” Summit Raises Profile for Infant Health Issues
Perinatal health care providers, members of Congress, a nationally recognized CNN anchor, advocates and parents all gathered at Washington, DC’s Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium yesterday to voice a unified message: premature infants deserve better access to comprehensive health care.... Read more
Preemie Matters - August 2014
In this issue of Preemie Matters: NICU Helping Hands • Preemie Parent Alliance Summit • Online Calculator Predicts Sepsis in NICU Newborns • High-Volume Neonatal Units May Increase Survival for Preterm Newborns • Late Preterm Birth May Alter Brain Growth • RSV Prophylactic Policy Statement from AAP
NICU Helping Hands
NICU Helping Hands-Family Support for Fragile Beginnings was first created in response to the growing need in Fort Worth, Texas for a local organization to support preemie families during their stay in the NICU and transition home. Their reach has since expanded nationwide to provide emotional, educational, and financial support to parents coping with the challenges of having a premature infant. Programs include mentorships that connect NICU families with experienced graduate families, opportunities for parent and professional education, and a robust hospital program, Project NICU, to enhance the support and education that NICU staff provide to families. In addition, NICU Helping Hands' Angel Gown Program comforts grieving families in the hospital by providing a beautiful infant burial gown to honor their child. To learn more, visit their website.
Preemie Parent Alliance Summit: September 12-14, 2014
The Preemie Parent Alliance (PPA) will host its annual summit September 12-14 in Phoenix, Arizona. This weekend-long event will bring together preemie parent leaders from across the country to learn about the latest research in family support and preemie development and to share best practices and ideas for reaching families affected by preterm birth. New topics this year include: "Newborn Behavior Observation," "Resolving through Sharing," "Big Data in the NICU," and "Forming Lasting Partnerships." Among this year's speakers are Alan R. Spitzer, MD-- a leader in academic neonatal medicine, Jill Wilke, RN, BSN, CPLC-- Lead Educator for Resolve Through Sharing at Bereavement Services, and Nick Hall-- Graham's Foundation President. For more information and to register for the summit, visit the PPA website.
Online Calculator Predicts Sepsis in NICU Newborns
Kaiser Permanente's Division of Research has developed an online calculator to help NICU providers predict if newborn babies are at risk for sepsis, a much more comprehensive method than previously used. By entering in the gestational age, the highest maternal antepartum temperature, rupture of membranes (ROM), and other information related to the pregnancy, the calculator yields a probability of early-onset sepsis per 1,000 babies. The calculator employs an algorithm based on extensive research using patient data from Kaiser's electronic health records. They are also using large data sets to determine ways to reduce bowel infections in preterm infants, the time the infants spend in the NICU, and the frequency of blood-stream infections they acquire from central intravenous lines.
High-Volume Neonatal Units May Increase Survival for Preterm Newborns
In a new study published in BMJ Open, researchers in the UK determined that high-volume neonatal units were associated with increased chances of survival for prematurely born infants. The neonatal units were defined as high-volume if they provided at least 3,480 days of care each year to babies born before 32 weeks of pregnancy. The researchers examined 17,955 premature infants (born between 27-32 weeks of pregnancy) and 2,559 very premature infants (born after less than 27 weeks) admitted to 165 British National Health Service hospital neonatal units in England. Of these babies, the increase in survival rate ranged from 30 percent for premature babies to 50 percent for very premature babies if they were admitted to a high-volume unit. The researchers emphasized that their findings have important implications for policymakers deciding the future organization of neonatal care.
Late Preterm Birth May Alter Brain Growth
A recent study published in Radiology conducted by Walsh and colleagues from Royal Women's Hospital in Melbourne, Australia concluded that late preterm babies experience different brain development than babies born full-term. The study involved performing MRI exams on 199 late preterm infants born between 32 and 36 weeks and 50 infants born after 37 weeks gestation. Walsh was surprised to learn the extent of brain formation differences that the late preterm babies exhibited compared to their full-term counterparts, "Many areas of the brain were affected, and their brains looked less mature than might have been anticipated." The late preterm infants displayed less-developed myelination and immature gyral folding, essential processes in early brain development that could potentially result in intellectual challenges, cerebral palsy, and difficulties breathing, seeing, and hearing. In response to the study's finding, Dr. Edward McCabe, senior vice president and chief medical officer of the March of Dimes, reiterated the importance of allowing pregnancies to reach full term to ensure optimal brain development. The researchers acknowledged that further research is needed to determine what these brain differences mean and whether they will lead to adverse long-term health effects.
RSV Prophylactic Policy Statement from AAP
The AAP's Committee on Infectious Diseases and Bronchiolitis Guidelines Committee--in collaboration with other AAP groups and external partners--recently revised their guidance on palivizumab prophylaxis (Synagis®) for the prevention of severe lower respiratory tract infection caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in high-risk pediatric patients. Most notably, palivizumab prophylaxis is now only recommended for infants at less than 29 weeks gestation and for infants with chronic lung disease who require supplemental oxygen for more than 28 days after birth. Prophylaxis is not recommended during the second year of life except under certain circumstances, nor is monthly prophylaxis recommended for children who experience a breakthrough RSV hospitalization. A detailed summary of the updated guidance is available in AAP's official policy statement and technical report. The NPIHC supports parent and professional input on guidelines. To provide comments or review the PreemieWorld petition, click here.
Information is reported as provided and does not necessarily represent the view of the National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition. A complete copy of HMHB’s disclaimer is available on our website.
Preemie Matters - May 2014
In this issue of Preemie Matters: NICU Transition Toolkit • AWHONN Convention • Breast Milk Benefit to Preemies • Gut Bacteria Linked to Infections in Preterm Babies • Parents of Preemies Day • Burnout in the NICU
AHRQ's Transitioning Newborns from the NICU to Their New Home Toolkit
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) recently launched a toolkit to enhance the process through which infants are discharged from the NICU. The Transitioning Newborns from NICU to Home Toolkit, with resources for medical professionals and parents to create a smooth and safe transition into the home environment for fragile newborn infants, includes: Health Coach Programs, Information Packets for Families, NICU Needs Assessment, Clinical Materials to Share with Primary Care Providers, and Follow up Telephone Surveys. This free-of-charge manual was designed to be adapted for any institution that cares for preemies and other fragile newborns.
The Association of Women's Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) is a nonprofit membership organization committed to improving and promoting the the health of women and newborns, as well as strengthening the nursing profession through research, education, and advocacy. AWHONN provides nurses and other professionals with clinical resources, guidelines, publications, and extensive support. AWHONN will host their annual convention June 14-18 at the Disney Coronado Spring Resort in Orlando, Florida. Attendees at the upcoming convention will be inspired to become better healthcare providers, leaders, and professionals in their field.
Breast Milk Confers Benefits to Preemies
According to data presented at the 2014 Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, maternal breast milk confers important benefits to preterm infants. Dr. Katherine Gregory and colleagues from Brigham and Women's Hospital concluded that feeding with maternal breast milk may not only help establish an optimal pattern of infant gut microbiota, but may also help protect against the use of antibiotics at birth. The researchers investigated the effect of different feeding patterns on the establishment of preterm infants' intestinal microbiota. Thirty preterm infants aged less than 32 weeks' gestation received either maternal breast milk, pasteurized donor human milk, or infant formula. The study found that all groups experienced a high frequency of Staphylococcus during the two weeks of observation, but those fed breast milk had the lowest incidence. Additionally, the infants given breast milk lost fewer phylotypes after exposure to antibiotics and recovered their microbiota more quickly compared to the infants in the other groups. "The analyses underscore the importance of feeding in establishment of the preterm infant intestinal microbiota," say the researchers.
Gut Bacteria Can Cause Life-Threatening Infection in Preterm Babies
A new study published in the Clinical Infectious Diseases Journal suggests that twenty percent of premature infants are at risk for contracting the life-threatening bloodstream infection, late-onset sepsis. Little is known about the environment in which sepsis flourishes, which motivated researchers to conduct a cohort study of 217 premature infants at risk for sepsis. Senior author Dr. Philip Tarr stated, "The germ that invades the infant's blood flourishes in their gastrointestinal tracts for at least a few days before it causes sepsis." Additionally, the researchers determined that "infants whose NICU stays overlapped occasionally transmit the bacterial infection to other infants." The findings from this study should be used by healthcare professionals to develop a treatment strategy for this life-threatening bloodstream infection to protect the health of the fragile infants in the NICU.
Parents of Preemies Day
Parents of Preemies Day (PoPD) is a day of awareness created to recognize the courage and commitment of millions of preemie parents who stay strong and resilient during an extremely challenging time. On May 4th, hundreds of parents across the country celebrated the 4th annual PoPD through community events, NICU reunion events, at home, in NICUs, and online via the second annual PoPD Twitter chat. Thanks to coverage from BlogHer, preemie parent bloggers, and various newspapers, more people now know about Parents of Preemies Day than ever before! Learn more about the day on Facebook or
NICU Workers Report up to 54% Burnout
An analysis of a survey administered to healthcare workers at 44 NICUs reported burnout rates from 7.5 percent to 54.5 percent, according to a study in BMJ Quality and Safety. Non-physician staff members tended to report more burnout than physicians. Higher burnout rates were associated with the lack of a teamwork-like environment, lower job satisfaction, lower management skills, and poor working conditions. Overall, NICU caregiver burnout is correlated with lower perceptions of an organization's commitment of a patient safety culture.
Information is reported as provided and does not necessarily represent the view of the National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition. A complete copy of HMHB’s disclaimer is available on our website.
Preemie Matters – February 2014
In this issue of Preemie Matters: American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statement and Clinical Reports on Preemie Care • Preemies Today •Talking to Preemies in the NICU Improves Language Skills • Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Symposium • Increasing Human Milk Consumption in the NICU • Mark Your Calendar for 2014 Conference
AAP Policy Statement & Clinical Reports on Preemie Care
A new policy statement and two clinical reports published last month by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) address the care of preterm infants. The policy statement covers respiratory support at birth, suggesting that clinicians consider the use of CPAP at or soon after birth with subsequent selective surfactant, as an alternative to routine intubation with prophylactic or early surfactant administration. A clinical report on surfactant replacement therapy updates a 2008 clinical report and underscores the policy statement's message about the use of CPAP. The second clinical report provides guidance, a literature review, and a cost-benefit analysis on the use of inhaled nitric oxide for preemies.
Preemies Today
Preemies Today is a nonprofit organization based in the Washington, D.C. area that provides families with the latest prematurity education, a parent-to-parent support group, preemie care packages, hosts family outings, and initiated a local preemie playgroup. Preemies Today sends out a monthly e-newsletter, hosts Facebook chats, and can also be found on Twitter. Along with the SIDS Mid-Atlantic group, Preemies Today will host a support group on Thursday, March 6th for anyone affected by the loss of a baby. The event's goal is to provide an inclusive, understanding, and patient environment where families and preemies can come together for support, education, and to discuss their own NICU experiences.
Talking to Preemies in the NICU Improve Language Skills
A new study published in the journal Pediatrics suggests that exposing preemies to more adult, conversational language in the NICU pays off in their language abilities at 18 months, leading researchers to conclude: "We need to provide more information to families about the importance of talking to these babies in the neonatal ICU." The study - which included a cohort of 36 preterm infants with average age of gestation of 27 weeks and average weight 2.7 pounds - found that for every increase of 100 adult words per hour a baby heard at 32 weeks, there was a 2-point improvement in language scores. "Children learn from conversations going on around them, but the back and forth communication is the most important," says senior author Dr. Betty Vohr, Alpert Medical School at Brown University. "This just really involves talking to moms and informing them that you have an important role here, and you can make a big difference for your baby."
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Symposium
Pennsylvania Premie Network will host a Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) Symposium, "Understanding the Care and Management of the Addicted Mother and Baby," March 18 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at two on-site locations -Philadelphia and Harrisburg, PA - in addition to webinar. Attendance is free and lunch will be provided at this event aimed at neonatologists, pediatricians, ob/gyns, nurses and nurse practitioners, NICU staff, newborn nursery staff, early intervention professionals, and agencies serving preterm babies and their families. The symposium includes two morning speakers sessions, followed by an afternoon panel discussion. For more information, contact Dottie Schell, Program Director, Pennsylvania Premie Network,1-888-523-6122 (PA only) or (484) 446-3061.
Increasing Human Milk Consumption in the NICU
Breastfeeding basics for all RNs, human milk donations for all infants under 33 weeks, and becoming a collection site for donated milk are just three best practices that emerged from Medela's new effort highlighting successes in increasing human milk consumption in the NICU. After a nationwide call for submissions for its Human Milk Breast Practices in the NICU, Medela is supporting first place winner Memorial Hospital of Gulfport, Mississippi and runner up Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital University Hospitals Case Medical Center, Cleveland, Ohio with $10,000 and $5,000 in product awards, respectively. NICUs working to increase human milk consumption around preemies can learn more about these leading strategies.
Information is reported as provided and does not necessarily represent the view of the National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition. A complete copy of HMHB’s disclaimer is available on our website.
Preemie Matters – December 2013
In this issue of Preemie Matters: Facebook Chat on Maternal Mental Health & Preemie Moms • PREEMIE Reauthorization Act Becomes Law • Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs (AMCHP) • Preemie Dads' Experiences in the NICU • Preterm Births Decline Among Black Americans • Mark Your Calendar for 2014 Conferences
Facebook Chat on Maternal Mental Health & Preemie Moms
Thanks to all who participated in last month's informative and inspiring Facebook chat on the NPIHC page! The November 14 event on maternal mental health and preemie moms featured speakers Dr. Lisa Osborn, Kasey Mathews, Laura Martin, and Michele Rosenthal, and brought together experts in the field and parents who've had first-hand experiences with trauma, depression, and anxiety after a preterm birth. The successful chat had 94 attendees over the course of the hour, 107 comments, and a 92% active engagement rate among attendees. Missed it? You can access the archived conversation on our website or Facebook chat tab.
PREEMIE Reauthorization Act Becomes Law
President Barack Obama signed S. 252, the PREEMIE Reauthorization Act, into law on November 27, reauthorizing federal research, education, and intervention activities related to preterm birth and infant mortality. The legislation was authored by Senators Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Michael Bennet (D-CO) and Representatives Ann Eshoo (D-CA) and Leonard Lance (R-NJ). It had broad support from our member organizations including the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), Association of Women's Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN), Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP), and National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN). The original PREEMIE Act brought the first national focus to prematurity prevention, leading to the Surgeon General's Conference on the Prevention of Preterm Birth which generated a public-private agenda for innovative research and support for evidence-based preventive interventions. The PREEMIE Reauthorization Act extends these efforts.
Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs (AMCHP)
The Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs (AMCHP) is a national organization dedicated to disseminating best practices, advocating on members' behalf, providing technical assistance, convening leaders, and advising states to reach a common goal of healthy children, families, and communities. AMCHP's members directly serve women and children nationwide by administering critical public health education and screening services, and coordinating preventive, primary and specialty care. The organization also recognizes leadership in maternal and child health in several ways, including annual awards presented to MCH leaders, honoring excellence in the field. These awards will be presented at AMCHP's upcoming Annual Conference.
Preemie Dads' Experiences in the NICU
A new study published in the Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing (JOGNN) finds that while the fathers of NICU preemies tend to experience strong emotions, they often don't express them outwardly - a discrepancy that can lead healthcare professionals to under-appreciate dads' needs. The research was a focused ethnography collected between 2003-2006 in the neonatal ICU of a large U.K. teaching hospital, collecting data through participant observation, in-depth interviews with dads, and an ethnographic of NICU staff. The findings showed that preemie fathers worked hard at balancing tensions between what they wanted to feel, what they actually felt, and what they perceived others expected their feelings and behaviors to be. The authors say these insights could help NICU professionals improve communication with and support of dads.
Preterm Births Decline Among Black Americans
Good news for maternal and child health: According to a recent CDC report, preterm births among black Americans fell between the years 2006 and 2010. For non-Hispanic black infants, the prematurity rate was 17.1% in 2010 - down from 18.5% in 2006 - as determined by final birth certificate data from the National Vital Statistics System. Despite this progress, disparities remain a challenge. The preterm birth rate for black babies was still approximately 60% higher than for white babies. Nationally, the preterm birth rate was 12%.
Mark Your Calendar for 2014 Conferences
The new year begins with a number of professional, educational, and networking opportunities for professionals and parent leaders in prematurity. Registration is now open for AMCHP's Annual Conference in Washington, DC, January 25-28. Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine's Annual Conference takes place February 3-8 in New Orleans, and NEO: The Conference for Neonatology will be in Orlando, February 20-23. Let us know what your organization is planning for 2014, so we can share the news via NPIHC's Facebook page and website.
Information is reported as provided and does not necessarily represent the view of the National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition. A complete copy of HMHB’s disclaimer is available on our website.
Facebook Chat: Maternal Mental Health and Preemie Moms
This archived chat, hosted on the NPIHC Facebook page on November 14, 2013, was a dialogue on mental health issues affecting preemie moms with maternal mental health experts and parents who have first-hand experience with trauma, depression, and anxiety after giving birth to preemies. Since mothers of preterm infants are at significantly increased risk for maternal mental health disorders and don't always find the help and support they need, it's critical that parents have the opportunity to connect with each other and learn from professionals. Participants included Laura Martin, Dr. Lisa Osborn, Kasey Mathews, and Michele Rosenthal. The chat is available on the NPIHC Facebook page (live chat tab from November 14) and below. Thank you to all of those who participated in the chat!
Preemie Matters – November 2013
In this issue of Preemie Matters: ACOG & SMFM Redefine 'Term Pregnancy' • EverThrive Illinois • U.S. Preterm Birth Rate Drops to 15-Year Low, But Challenges Remain • Insights on Pros & Cons of Private NICU Rooms
ACOG & SMFM Redefine 'Term Pregnancy'
In a joint Committee Opinion, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM) have redefined 'term pregnancy' and the parameters of preterm birth. The new Committee Opinion replaces 'term' with a series of more specific labels: 'early term,' 'full term,' 'late term,' and 'postterm.' The change of definition is intended to prevent early elective deliveries, support high-quality prenatal care, and improve data collection, reporting, and clinical research. Learn more from ACOG.
EverThrive Illinois
EverThrive Illinois, formerly the Illinois Maternal and Child Health Coalition (IMCHC), works to improve the health of women, children, and families through community engagement, partnerships, policy analysis, education, and advocacy. EverThrive works with 90+ members in maternal and child health, through various programs including the Illinois Premature Infant Health Network (IPIHN), which brings together physicians, hospitals and community and health organizations to increase quality health care access for premature infants and their families in Illinois. IPIHN recently hosted a legislative dinner on November 6th in partnership with the Illinois Prematurity Caucus, attended by 16 legislators and 35 guests.
U.S. Preterm Birth Rate Drops to 15-Year Low, But Challenges Remain
March of Dimes has released its annual Premature Birth Report Card with the most recent data on prematurity in the United States. The 2012 the U.S. preterm birth rate dropped for the sixth consecutive year to 11.5 percent. This represents a 15-year low. And six states - Alaska, California, Maine, New Hampshire, Oregon, and Vermont - earned an "A," as their preterm birth rates met the 9.6 percent goal. Nineteen states earned a "B," 17 states and the District of Columbia received a "C," five states got a "D," and only three states and Puerto Rico received an "F" on the report card. The nation as a whole again earned a "C." Among the ongoing challenges: The gap between blacks and whites has been slowly narrowing, but the preterm birth rate among non-Hispanic blacks is still more than 1.5 times the rate of non-Hispanic whites.
Insights on Pros & Cons of Private NICU Rooms
In the NICU, maybe not all silence is golden? A study published in The Journal of Pediatrics provides new insight on the pros and cons of private neonatal ICU (NICU) rooms. "Current practice tells us that we should minimize the amount of stimulation to the baby, so you would think that babies in private rooms would do better - but we found the contrary," said the study's first author, Bobbi Pineda, PhD, of Washington University. The observational study used comprehensive neurobehavioral testing and brain imaging with MRI. At discharge, preterm infants in NICU private rooms tended to show abnormalities in the structure of the brain's language area compared to those cared for in open wards. And at age two, those who had been hospitalized in private rooms showed poorer language skills. Even controlling for multiple contributing factors, the association persisted, raising questions about sensory exposure and suggesting the need for more research on optimal NICU environments.
Information is reported as provided and does not necessarily represent the view of the National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition. A complete copy of HMHB’s disclaimer is available on our website.
Preemie Matters – October 2013
In this issue of Preemie Matters: New Members • Senate Passes PREEMIE Reauthorization Act • Navigating the Journey • Trauma Therapy for Preemie Moms • Centering Healthcare Institue • Transitioning Home From the NICU
New Members
Learn more about National Premature Infant Health Coalition membership and complete the online application on our website.
U.S. Senate Passes PREEMIE Reauthorization Act
The U.S. Senate passed S. 252, the PREEMIE Reauthorization Act, on September 25. This bipartisan legislation - co-sponsored by Senators Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Michael Bennet (D-CO) - reauthorizes federal research, education, and intervention activities begun by the original PREEMIE Act, which brought the first-ever national focus to prematurity prevention. The bill now goes to the U.S. House of Representatives.
Navigating the Journey Through Childhood
November 17 in Fairfax, VA, Preemies Today will host a parent and provider conference, "Navigating the Journey Through Childhood," aimed at educating about maternal and child health needs and raising awareness of prematurity. This World Prematurity Day event at the Inova Fair Oaks Physicians Conference Center will include sessions on developmental delays, sensory processing disorders, post-preemie pregnancy, postpartum post-traumatic stress, nutrition, Medicaid waivers, and speech and language tips, among others. Register online at the Preemies Today website.
Trauma Therapy Eases Symptoms for Preemie Moms
A new study published in the journal Pediatrics finds that a short, cost-effective therapy developed to treat military trauma survivors can help ease the emotional distress of preemie moms. The intervention includes six sessions combining elements of the COPE (Creating Opportunities for Parent Empowerment) NICU program with trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy techniques. Mothers in this study who received the intervention had a significant reduction of trauma and depression symptoms, and those who initially reported the most stress showed the most benefit. Finding effective, accessible treatment for this population is key: Up to 40% of mothers of preterm infants experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which can have long-term consequences for both mother and child.
Centering Healthcare Institute
Centering Healthcare Institute's mission is to improve maternal-child health by transforming care through Centering groups -- a model of group health care. In this model, health assessment, education, and support are provided to group members by a care provider, changing the way women experience their care. The model, piloted by nurse-midwife Sharon Schindler Rising in the the early 1990s, led to the beginning of professional training workshops in 1998. Its redesign of healthcare delivery helps to promote safety, effectiveness, culturally-appropriate patient-centered care, and more equitable care, among other benefits. Centering Healthcare Institute's Fourth National Conference takes place October 26-29 in Washington, DC, bringing together clinicians, researchers, policy makers, administrators, and students to discuss ideas for transforming healthcare delivery.
Premature & High-Risk Infants: Transitioning Home from the NICU
Register online now for Premature and High-Risk Infants: Transitioning Home from the NICU, scheduled for November 1 in Denver, CO. Sponsored by Special Kids-Special Care of Denver, the conference provides a forum for healthcare professionals to share their expertise in the care of premature and high-risk infants and their families as these babies transition home from the hospital. The goal is to optimize health and developmental outcomes, and to support families by sharing best practices, clinical guidelines, and current research with the healthcare professionals and agency staff who care for them.
Information is reported as provided and does not necessarily represent the view of the National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition. A complete copy of HMHB’s disclaimer is available on our website.
Preemie Matters – September 2013
In this issue of Preemie Matters: New Member • August Webinar Recap • Neonatal Nurses Day • Papas of Preemies • Home Visiting Programs for Preemies • NPA Annual Conference
New Member
Join us in welcoming the Coalition's newest member: Academy of Neonatal Nursing. Learn more about National Premature Infant Health Coalition membership and complete the online application on our website.
August Webinar Recap
Thanks to all who joined our August webinar on an important new resource for the field, the Multidisciplinary Guidelines for the Care of Late Preterm Infants, with presenter Raylene Phillips, MD, IBCLC, FAAP. And special thanks to participants who responded to our post-webinar survey. Among the results: 73% gave the webinar an overall rating of "excellent" and 94% say they would take part in a future NPIHC webinar. Participants came from hospitals/healthcare (40%), nonprofit/government (43%), and industry/corporations (16%). Missed the webinar or would like to share it with a colleague? Find the archived slides and audio on our website.
September 15 is Neonatal Nurses Day
National Neonatal Nurses Day - Sunday, September 15th - was established in 2000 by the National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN) as an opportunity for the neonatal community to honor nurse colleagues and show pride in the profession of neonatal nursing. This year NANN is encouraging all neonatal nurses and their units to embrace the theme "Love What You Do," sharing ideas for marking the occasion. Because we at NPIHC love what neonatal nurses do, we invite both parents and professionals to join us on September 15th on the NPIHC Facebook page, where we will honor and thank neonatal nurses across the country. With a post to our Facebook wall or a comment on our messages, please tell us about a neonatal nurse who has made a difference for YOU, sharing your stories and photos. .
Papas of Preemies
Joel Brens is on a mission to give a voice to the father's perspective of prematurity and the NICU. Following the preterm birth of his son Jayden in 2010, Brens founded Papas of Preemies as a support community run by parents, for parents. Through the Papas of Preemies website, blog, and Facebook page, a growing lineup of contributor dads share personal insights, experiences, information, and resources. In October, Brens will be one of four Preemie Parent Alliance members speaking about his NICU experience for an audience of professionals at the National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN) Annual Educational Conference in Nashville.
Home Visiting Programs Effective for Preemies & Their Parents
A research review published in Pediatrics finds that home visits by nurses or other trained health professionals can improve the development of preterm infants and effectively support parents and the home environment. The first of its kind in 20 years, this review looked at 17 studies including a total of 2,983 babies, measuring outcomes in five categories. Currently 400 home visiting programs of this kind serve at least 500,000 U.S. families, largely funded by state and local governments. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare) designates funding for home visiting programs aimed at improving outcomes for at-risk preemies and their mothers, which may expand their reach. This review's research team calls for additional studies to investigate how home visiting programs can best meet the needs of special populations, including low-income and late-preterm preemies and their families.
NPA's 34th Annual Conference
Registration is open for the National Perinatal Association's 34th Annual Conference, set for November 7-9 in Salt Lake City. With the theme "Families at the Center: New Dimensions in Perinatal Care," the event brings together healthcare professionals and parents - including representatives from NPIHC member organizations - for a unique learning and networking opportunity. Sessions in this year's lineup cover topics including psychological services in the NICU, the impact of reproductive technologies, NICU environment of care, breast milk for preemies, prematurity's impact on the education system, preemie nutrition and bone density, music for parent and infant stress reduction, and more. Find complete details at NPA's conference brochure and registration flyer.
Information is reported as provided and does not necessarily represent the view of the National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition. A complete copy of HMHB’s disclaimer is available on our website.
Preemie Matters – August 2013
In this issue of Preemie Matters Breastfeeding: The Importance of Preparing Mothers of Preemies Prior to Discharge • Multidisciplinary Guidelines for the Care of Late Preterm Infants • Tiny Miracles Foundation • Preemie Parent Alliance Summit:October 4-6 in Nashville • Internship with NPIHC
Breastfeeding: The Importance of Preparing Mothers of Preemies Prior to Discharge
Our newest post on the NPIHC site comes from Maureen Doolan Boyle, Mothers of Supertwins (MOST), spotlighting the importance of breast milk for preemie health and how we can support moms of preterm babies. Breastfeeding: The Importance of Preparing Mothers of Preemies Prior to Discharge shares both personal and clinical perspectives, as well as links to helpful resources.
Multidisciplinary Guidelines for the Care of Late Preterm Infants
Our August 8 webinar spotlighted the "Multidisciplinary Guidelines for the Care of Late Preterm Infants," an evidence-based approach to providing safe and supportive care for this vulnerable group. Presenter Raylene Phillips, MD, IBCLC, FAAP, reviewed this new resource and described how its use will lead to improved outcomes for late preterm infants by providing guidance, education, and support for families and the healthcare providers who care for them. Make sure to share these slides and audio, now accessible online as a resource for parents and other advocates, professionals in the field of infant health, and physicians and clinicians providing care to premature infants and their families.
Tiny Miracles Foundation
The Tiny Miracles Foundation is dedicated to helping families of premature infants in the Fairfield County, Connecticut area. This parent-founded organization provides support, information, services, and supplies to families during and immediately after their hospital stay, addressing the myriad family needs that extend beyond the medical care of fragile babies. Their programs include Family Resource Rooms, NICU parent mentors, "Blankets for Preemies," welcome and homecare supplies, and financial assistance. Beyond the NICU, they offer parent mentoring, a resource directory, bereavement support, and bilingual support services. They also host web-based resources and an online community with discussion groups and a weekly chat. On September 29th, the Tiny Miracles Foundation will host their Wild Family Event at the Beardsley Zoo in Bridgeport.
Preemie Parent Alliance Summit: October 4-6 in Nashville
Registration is open for the annual Preemie Parent Alliance Summit, the only weekend-long event of its kind bringing preemie parent leaders together to network, collaborate, and share best practices - toward the goal of supporting families who have been affected by preterm birth. Set for October 4-6 in Nashville, PPA's summit also welcomes clinicians and other professionals from the prematurity field, and will feature a lineup of speakers including PTSD expert and trauma survivor Michele Rosenthal, organizational development consultant Vicki Clark, and media training experts Michele Rosenthal, Julie Howard, and Lori Aston. A discounted hotel room block is available until September 13th.
Internship with NPIHC
Do you know an outstanding student in the Washington, DC area? NPIHC is seeking an intern to support the program in the National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition's Alexandria, VA office. The position will report to NPIHC's program manager. Interested candidates should email their resume and cover letter to
Information is reported as provided and does not necessarily represent the view of the National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition. A complete copy of HMHB’s disclaimer is available on our website.
Webinar: Multidisciplinary Guidelines for the Care of Late Preterm Infants
Late preterm infants are often treated as "slightly small, almost term babies" and yet babies born at 34 0/7 - 36 6/7 weeks gestation have significantly higher morbidity and mortality rates due to their significant, if not always obvious, immaturity. The "Multidisciplinary Guidelines for the Care of Late Preterm Infants" is an evidence-based approach to providing safe and supportive care for this vulnerable group. Presenter Raylene Phillips, MD, IBCLC, FAAP, reviewed this new resource and described how its use will lead to improved outcomes for late preterm infants by providing guidance, education, and support for families and the healthcare providers who care for them.
Preemie Matters – June 2013
In this issue of Preemie Matters: New Members • NPIHC Webinar: Multidisciplinary Guidelines for the Care of Late Preterm Infants • Critical Shortages Affecting NICU Infants • National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN) • Preemie Parent Alliance Summit • Breast Milk Use in NICUs Remains Too Low
New Members
Join us in welcoming the Coalition's newest members: National Association of Neonatal Nurses • National Association of County and City Health Officials • Pennsylvania Premie Network • The Tiny Miracles Foundation • Parent Connection • Texas Parent to Parent • Mothers' Milk Bank at Austin Learn more about National Premature Infant Health Coalition membership and complete the online application on our website.
NPIHC Webinar: Multidisciplinary Guidelines for the Care of Late Preterm Infants
Mark your calendar and register now for our next webinar, set for August 8 at 2 p.m. EDT. Late preterm infants are often treated as "slightly small, almost term babies," yet babies born at 34 0/7 - 36 6/7 weeks gestation have significantly higher morbidity and mortality rates due to their significant, if not always obvious, immaturity. The "Multidisciplinary Guidelines for the Care of Late Preterm Infants" is an evidence-based approach to providing safe and supportive care for this vulnerable group. Join presenter Raylene Phillips, MD, IBCLC, FAAP, who will review this new resource and describe how its use will lead to improved outcomes for late preterm infants by providing guidance, education, and support for families and the healthcare providers who care for them. The session is appropriate for parents and other advocates, professionals in the field of infant health, and physicians and clinicians providing care to premature infants and their families.
Critical Shortages Affecting NICU Infants
Have you seen our new blog post from Dr. Mitch Goldstein on the nation's drug shortage crisis affecting fragile infants? Recent media coverage has put a spotlight on widespread shortages of critical medications and nutrients affecting hospitalized preemies and other patients. A May 22nd story in the Washingtonian reported "rationing, hoarding, and bartering of critical nutrients" in Washington, DC facilities, and "doctors reporting conditions normally seen only in developing countries." In late March, NBC News reported on the national scarcity of injectable zinc, "in such short supply that at least seven extremely premature infants in the U.S. developed horrifying skin lesions and life-threatening reactions after their hospitals ran out." CDC began its coverage of these shortages in the February 22, 2013 edition of their Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR). And as with this new blog post from Texas Children's Hospital, individual facilities and providers continue to report on how shortages are affecting them, through outlets like social media, making the case that the problem will not "self-correct" and that federal legislation has not yet moved forward to address it. In one possible - though limited and temporary - step forward, USA Today reported that U.S. health regulators are allowing overseas imports of one critical IV drug formula used to nourish preemies. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says new supplies of the drug total parenteral nutrition, are being made available to U.S. patients through this arrangement, as a temporary measure to ease shortages triggered by the shutdown of the drug's primary U.S. manufacturer. Watch our Facebook page and Twitter #NPIHC as we continue to follow these shortages and the measures addressing them.
National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN)
NANN, the National Association of Neonatal Nurses, is the longest established professional voice supporting neonatal nurses through excellence in practice, education, research, and professional development. NANN was founded in 1984 in California by five neonatal nurses. NANN celebrated the first Neonatal Nurses Day in 2000, and in 2001 introduced their journal, Advances in Neonatal Care. More recently, in 2011, they launched MyNANN, a private online social network for members, and released the second edition of Policies, Procedures, and Competences for Neonatal Nursing Care. NANN's 29th Annual Educational Conference takes place this fall in Nashville, TN. Connect with NANN and get their latest news on Facebook and Twitter.
Preemie Parent Alliance Summit: October 4-6, 2013
Registration is open for the Third Annual Preemie Parent Alliance Summit, set for October 4-6, 2013 in Nashville, TN. Join preemie parent leaders and professionals for a learning and networking opportunity aimed at working together to support the families of premature infants. Among the event's notable speakers is PTSD expert Michele Rosenthal with a keynote, "Reclaiming Life Beyond the NICU: Redefining Who You Are and How You Live." Learn more about the work of the Preemie Parent Alliance at the PPA website.
Breast Milk Use in NICUs Remains Too Low
A new study published in Pediatrics finds that the use of breast milk in advanced-care NICUs is increasing, but remains too low. Using CDC data, the research team found that only about one-third of NICUs routinely provide human milk, whether from a baby's mother or donated -- suggesting that many medically-fragile babies are not receiving optimal protection from infections and other morbidities. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that all preterm infants receive human milk. "Hospitals... can further support the care of medically fragile infants by adopting policies and practices to support mothers in being able to provide their breast milk to their infants," the authors write.
Information is reported as provided and does not necessarily represent the view of the National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition. A complete copy of HMHB’s disclaimer is available on our website.
Webinar: Oklahoma Infant Alliance's Late Preterm Infant Toolkit
This webinar is presented by Mike McCoy on The Oklahoma Infant Alliance Late Preterm Infant Toolkit. Oklahoma has an unacceptable rate of preterm deliveries at 13.8%, with over three-fourths of those born late preterm (10%) by the last data from the March of Dimes. The Oklahoma Infant Alliance sought to meet the needs of this vulnerable population through the development of a toolkit for use in hospitals and agencies who work with the late preterm infant. This webinar describes the identified problem, the process of development of a clinical practice guideline based on current evidence-based resources and research, and final content of the Late Preterm Toolkit for physicians, allied health, and families with a goal of reduction of morbidities associated with late preterm birth. Other Panelists include Denise Cole, Coordinator- Office of Perinatal Quality Improvement, Bunny Hudson, Program Director- Oklahoma Infant Transition Program, Bonnie Bellah, Executive Director - Oklahoma Infant Alliance, and Raja Nandyal, Chair- Oklahoma Infant Alliance.
Preemie Matters – November 2012
In this issue of Preemie Matters: Oklahoma Infant Alliance's Late Preterm Infant Toolkit • Prematurity Awareness Month • Minnesota Prematurity Coalition & the Discharge Planning Checklist for Late Premature Infants • World Prematurity Day on Facebook • Improving Breast Milk Feeding Rates for Preemies in California NICUs
NPIHC Webinar: Oklahoma Infant Alliance's Late Preterm Infant Toolkit
Join the National Premature Infant Health Coalition TOMORROW, Thursday, November 15th at 2 p.m. Eastern Time, for a webinar on the Oklahoma Infant Alliance Late Preterm Infant Toolkit. Oklahoma has an unacceptable rate of preterm deliveries at 13.8%, with over three-fourths of those born late preterm (10%) by the last data from the March of Dimes. The Oklahoma Infant Alliance sought to meet the needs of this vulnerable population through the development of a toolkit for use in hospitals and agencies who work with the late preterm infant. This webinar will describe the identified problem, the process of development of a clinical practice guideline based on current evidence-based resources and research, and final content of the Late Preterm Toolkit for physicians, allied health, and families with a goal of reduction of morbidities associated with late preterm birth. Register today!
Prematurity Awareness Month
November is Prematurity Awareness Month, focusing the nation's attention on preterm birth. On November 13, March of Dimes released its 2012 Premature Birth Report Card, revealing that while the U.S. preterm birth rate continues to decline, we still earn an overall grade of "C" and face significant need for improvement. This month March of Dimes also leads a petition to "Light the White House Purple" as a symbol of hope to preemie families, and they are bringing together advocates asking Congress for passage of the PREEMIE Reauthorization Act. On November 17, World Prematurity Day, March of Dimes and partner organizations worldwide are asking everyone to help spread the word about the serious problem of preterm birth. Be sure to let us know what YOU or your organization did to mark this important health observance!
Minnesota Prematurity Coalition & the Discharge Planning Checklist for Late Premature Infants
The Minnesota Prematurity Coalition's mission is reducing premature births in the state and advocating for infants who are born prematurely and their families. Founded in 2009, they have actively worked with community partners and organizations to bring awareness to this very important issue. In 2011, the Minnesota Legislature passed a statute creating the Minnesota Task Force on Prematurity. Members of the Prematurity Coalition as well as members of the Legislature, Department of Health and Department of Education all serve on the Task Force.
After surveying hospitals throughout the state, the Task Force discovered a great need for information on the treatment and discharge requirements of the late preterm infant. In September 2012, the finalized Discharge Planning Checklist for Late Premature Infants was distributed.
The Task Force is currently working on a final report to the Minnesota Legislature, due in January 2013, which will include evidence-based recommendations to reduce prematurity in Minnesota - including any draft legislation necessary for implementation. Find information including meeting dates, action items and resources at the website, or contact Coalition Manager Bonnie Hansen at 320-290-4909 or
World Prematurity Day on Facebook
This year the observance of World Prematurity Day has a significant social media component, bringing together partners, supporters and families from around the globe in a collaborative digital space. Check out the World Prematurity Day page on Facebook, where you can read stories from around the world and share your own, watching the virtual world map light up when new stories are added to the communal narrative. Join the effort by updating your own Facebook status to help others understand the problem, changing your Facebook cover image, or grabbing a badge for your blog or website.
Improving Breast Milk Feeding Rates for Preemies in California NICUs
A new study published in the journal Pediatrics examines how California hospitals improved breast milk feeding rates for very low-birthweight preemies. Eleven NICUs in the California Perinatal Quality of Care Collaborative participated in an Institute for Healthcare Improvement-style collaborative to increase NICU breast milk feeding rates. Over the 12-month study and subsequent six-month follow-up period, the 11 participating hospitals increased their rates of breast milk feeding for NICU babies at discharge from 55 percent to 64 percent, bringing these hospitals up to the average rates for the state. Participating hospitals also reduced the rate of a serious complication of prematurity - the bowel disease known as necrotizing enterocolitis - by two-thirds, from seven percent to about two percent of all infants in their NICUs. Among the important changes hospitals made: Increasing babies' skin-to-skin time with their mothers and improving the education of NICU staff about breast milk feeding.
Information is reported as provided and does not necessarily represent the view of the National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition. A complete copy of HMHB's disclaimer is available on our website.
Preemie Matters – October 2012
In this issue of Preemie Matters • NPIHC November Webinar • Low-Income Preemies • Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Day • Papas of Preemies • Celine Dion PSA • Prematurity Awareness Month • NPIHC Membership.
NPIHC Webinar: Oklahoma Infant Alliance's Late Preterm Infant Toolkit
Join the National Premature Infant Health Coalition on Thursday, November 15th at 2 p.m. ET for a webinar on the Oklahoma Infant Alliance Late Preterm Infant Toolkit. Oklahoma has an unacceptable rate of preterm deliveries at 13.8%, with over three-fourths of those born late preterm (10%) by the last data from the March of Dimes. The Oklahoma Infant Alliance sought to meet the needs of this vulnerable population through the development of a toolkit for use in hospitals and agencies who work with the late preterm infant. This webinar will describe the identified problem, the process of development of a clinical practice guideline based on current evidence-based resources and research, and final content of the Late Preterm Toolkit for physicians, allied health, and families with a goal of reduction of morbidities associated with late preterm birth. Register today!
Heightened Risks for Low-Income Preemies
New research from Johns Hopkins Children's Center finds that preterm babies of low-income parents are at high risk for developing dangerous brain bleeds that require multiple surgeries and extensive follow-up treatment. Published in Pediatric Neurosurgery, the small study also found that preemies from lower-income families and those with public health insurance had fewer scheduled follow-up appointments and more emergency room visits, compared to preemies with private health insurance and those from higher-income homes. The team says their findings need to be replicated on a wider scale to learn more about the reasons behind these disparities, but note that their findings represent a "sobering reminder of the role socio-economic factors can play in health outcomes."
Commemorating Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Day
To mark October 15th as Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day, the National Premature Infant Health Coalition used social media to promote resources for both families and professionals from partners including the National SUID/SIDS Resource Center and First Candle. On NPIHC's Facebook page, we also created a special post marking the observance and inviting families to share their stories, honor and remember. Many did, and 74 friends and colleagues shared the post through their own social media channels. We encourage families to continue to contribute their stories and remembrances to this online tribute.
Partner Profile: Papas of Preemies
Online support community Papas of Preemies gives fathers a voice in the world of prematurity and takes a dad's perspective in navigating the journey through the neonatal ICU and beyond. Founded by a preemie dad, the Papas of Preemies community - networked through a website and blog, Facebook page and Twitter handle - offers fathers a safe and welcoming space in which to share their stories and connect with others who have been through similar experiences. Their message: You are not alone.
Celine Dion PSA Brings Global Attention to Prematurity
A new TV PSA featuring Celine Dion calls on families to use social media to connect with each other and to ask governments for action preventing premature births. Produced in English and French versions, the PSA is part of a global campaign from partners March of Dimes, Partnership for Maternal Newborn and Child Health, Save the Children, and the World Health Organization (WHO). "I share the fears and concerns of all parents knowing that more than one million babies around the world die every year because they didn't get enough time to grow," Dion says in the PSA, directing viewers to a World Prematurity Day Facebook page where they can write about and post a picture of their child, family member, or friend whose child was born too soon. A world map lights up each individual's posting and allows them to connect with and support others around the globe.
Gearing Up for Prematurity Awareness Month
November is Prematurity Awareness Month, when sponsor March of Dimes focuses the nation's attention on premature birth. The awareness month kicks off November 1 with the release of the 2012 Premature Birth Report Card, followed by World Prematurity Day on November 17, when partner organizations worldwide raise awareness about preterm birth as a serious public health problem. Let us know how you are taking part in this year's prematurity health observance!
Join Us! Become a Member of the National Premature Infant Health Coalition
Are you interested in becoming a National Premature Infant Health Coalition member? Members work collaboratively with the Coalition to disseminate information and news, promote events, and reach the broad NPIHC professional and parent network. If you are a nonprofit organization or entity, you're eligible to complete the application for membership. All friends of the Coalition are invited to check out our resources and connect with us, but those eligible for membership are encouraged to take the extra step of completing the application and making membership official.
Information is reported as provided and does not necessarily represent the view of the National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition. A complete copy of HMHB's disclaimer is available on our website.
Preemie Matters - August 2012
In this issue of Preemie Matters • Vision Development & the Premature Infant Webinar Slides and Audio • New Prematurity Brief from Georgetown's MCH Library • Preemie Parent Alliance Summit • Still Standing • Safety of Preemie Birth Modes • A Pediatrician's Perspective on NICU Care.
Webinar Slides & Audio: Vision Development & the Premature Infant
Thanks to all who joined our August 9th webinar, "Vision Development and the Link to Overall Development in the Premature Infant" with Glen Steele, O.D. FCOVD. Dr. Steele led a discussion on the most prevalent and significant issues involved in eye and vision care and development during infancy, focusing on early detection and intervention options. He also shared information on incidence of vision problems in preterm infants, how vision links to overall development, current approaches to care and opportunities for parents and providers to positively affect the lives of these children. If you missed the webinar or would like to share its content with colleagues, visit the archived slides and audio online.
New Resource: Prematurity & Preterm Birth Brief from Georgetown's MCH Library
The Maternal and Child Health Library at Georgetown University has posted a new resource brief on prematurity and preterm birth. The brief includes links to selected websites, an automated PubMed search that gives the reader the latest research literature from the National Library of Medicine on this topic, and a bibliography of publications from the online catalog of the MCH Library. Access this new resource brief at the MCH Library site.
Partner Event: Preemie Parent Alliance Summit
Registration ends September 1 for the Preemie Parent Alliance's annual summit, which brings together Alliance members and support organizations interested in learning more about this vibrant and growing network. Set for September 20-21, 2012 in Chicago, the summit provides vital networking opportunities and creates opportunities for partnerships across all segments of the prematurity community. Speakers include noted neonatologist and author of For the Love of Babies Dr. Sue Hall, as well as March of Dimes Associate Director of Domestic and Global Partnerships Phyllis Williams-Thompson. Working sessions will be led by preemie mom and PPA member Gigi Khonyongwa-Fernandez. A Thursday evening "Power to Grow" welcome reception will be hosted by PPA members Graham's Foundation and Eli's Hope. The Preemie Parent Alliance meets a unique need, fostering collaborative opportunities for preemie parent support organizations across the country and building relationships between member organizations and the many professional organizations and associations whose work directly affects the care of fragile babies. Learn more, join the Alliance, and register for the summit at the PPA site. Questions? Contact Keira Sorrells at or (601) 345-1772.
Partner Profile: Still Standing
Do you know about Still Standing? The online magazine and support community for those who have lost a child or experienced infertility was created by mom and Preemie Parent Alliance member Franchesca Cox. Its multi-faceted mission: Encouraging individuals and families to embrace life after loss and infertility; connecting individuals and families with others around the world who share similar experiences; and serving as a resource for families, friends, and professionals who support those going through the loss of a child or infertility.
Vaginal Deliveries as Safe as C-Sections for Most Preterm Births
A study published in the August issue of the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology finds that for most babies born very prematurely, vaginal deliveries are as safe as cesarean sections. The only exception: babies in the breech position who are delivered at less than 32 weeks' gestation had a significantly lower risk of mortality when delivered during a planned c-section. Lead researcher Dr. Uma Reddy of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development at NIH said in a journal news release, "Selecting a route of delivery at less than 32 weeks' gestation is a difficult clinical decision, given the high rate of infant mortality and morbidity, as well as the maternal risks associated with Cesarean delivery. This information has direct clinical applications and is crucial for counseling families about the benefits and risks of attempting vaginal delivery in this situation."
'In Preemies, Better Care Means Hard Choice'
An August 13 New York Times op-ed column by pediatrician Dr. Rahul Parikh explores the clinical and emotional challenges facing neonatologists and preemie parents as NICU care, technology, and physician perspective of the tiniest, most fragile preterm babies has evolved. He writes, "In the 1960s, when the first NICUs opened, premature infants had a 95 percent chance of dying. Today, they have a 95 percent chance of survival. This has...changed our perception of the premature baby as 'a patient to be cared for, rather than an object to be pitied."
Information is reported as provided and does not necessarily represent the view of the National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition. A complete copy of HMHB's disclaimer is available on our website.
Webinar: Vision Development and the Link to Overall Development in the Premature Infant
This webinar is presented by Glen T. Steele, OD, FCOVD, Professor at the Southern College of Optometry in the Pediatric Service and chair of the American Optometric Association InfantSEE Committee. Dr. Steele provides a focused discussion of the most prevalent and significant issues involved in eye and vision care and development during infancy, when problems are discovered, and early intervention options for children. Dr. Steele also provides information on incidence of vision problems in premature infants, how vision links to overall development, current approaches to care, and opportunities for parents and providers to positively impact the lives of these children.
Preemie Matters - June 2012
In this issue of Preemie Matters: NPIHC Summit: Connections 2012 • NPIHC Updates: What's New with the National Premature Infant Health Coalition • NPIHC Webinar: Vision Development & the Link to Overall Development in the Premature Infant • New Report: MedImmune Advocacy's Premature Infant Health Summits 2011 • Partner Profile: Eli's Hope • New Research: Study Finds Most 'Extreme Preemies' Grow Into Happy, Healthy Teens.
Connections 2012
We had a great turnout for an inspiring two days of education and networking in Washington, DC during NPIHC's annual summit, Connections 2012. Among the standout moments were keynotes from Dr. Nils Bergman and blogger Heather Spohr, along with talks and roundtables from preemie parents, pediatrician and author Dr. Laura Jana, Dr. Mitchell Goldstein, Ellen Levy and more. The summit also brought together representatives from eight regional prematurity networks across the nation for a special session, and included a meeting of the NPIHC Steering Committee. Revisit summit highlights by checking out participants' live-messaging on Twitter and photos on our Facebook page.
What's New with the National Premature Infant Health Coalition
Among the outcomes of the Steering Committee's work during NPIHC's annual summit in Washington, DC: Refined vision and mission statements that guide the way forward for this vibrant Coalition of prematurity advocates. The National Premature Infant Health Coalition is a collaborative of professional, clinical, community health and family support organizations focused on improving the lives of premature infants and their families. Our vision is for premature infants and their families to have the services and support they need for quality care and optimal health and wellness throughout the lifespan. NPIHC's mission is to promote the lifelong clinical, health, education and supportive services needed by premature infants and their families. In other news, we continue to grow our social networking presence with NPIHC's new Facebook page and through the National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition's (HMHB) Twitter feed. Please join us in these social spaces for the latest news on prematurity, as well as mutual support and information-sharing among partners. Summit participants had the opportunity to preview NPIHC's new website, which will be live later this summer!
NPIHC Webinar: August 9 Vision Development & the Link to Overall Development in the Premature Infant
Our next webinar, "Vision Development and the Link to Overall Development in the Premature Infant," takes place Thursday, August 9, 2012 from 2 to 3 p.m. Eastern. Our speaker, Glen T. Steele, O.D. FCOVD, will provide a focused discussion of the most prevalent and significant issues involved in eye and vision care and development during infancy. Professor at the Southern College of Optometry in the Pediatric Service and chair of the American Optometric Association InfantSEE Committee, Dr. Steele will focus on when problems are discovered and early intervention options for children. He will also present information on incidence of vision problems in premature infants, how vision links to overall development, current approaches to care and opportunities for parents and providers to positively impact the lives of these children. Register today!
New Report: MedImmune Advocacy's Premature Infant Health Summits 2011
In 2009, MedImmune Advocacy conducted six Premature Infant Health Summits across the country, presenting information and driving dialogue on the "cornerstone issues" facing premature infants and families. In 2011, they reconvened premature infant health advocates to host another series of summits, highlighting some of the programs that ensued and progress made. Participants included some 459 healthcare providers; advocacy, professional and parent organizations; public health officials; health insurers; policymakers and others. A new report from the 2011 Premature Infant Health Summits, with key takeaways and feedback from participants, is now available as a downloadable PDF on the Preemie Voices website.
Partner Profile: Eli's Hope
Eli's Hope, a faith-based nonprofit organization founded in 2011, serves Chicago-area NICU families to meet both practical and spiritual needs. They provide NICU support gift bags at partnering hospitals; bereavement services; "Home from the NICU" transitioning; and family activities including Sibling Day, Preemie Moms/Dads Night Out, and seminars like NICU Survival Guide and Scrapbooking Your NICU Sweetie. Read about their participation in NPIHC's 2012 summit on the Eli's Hope blog!
Study Finds Most 'Extreme Preemies' Grow Into Happy, Healthy Teens
"The tiniest, most underweight babies emerge as teens who feel good about themselves, rating their health about the same as children born at normal weights." These are among the insights from a new study to be published in the July issue of the journal Pediatrics. The study from a team at Case Western Reserve University Medical School in Cleveland tracked children who weighed less than 2.2 pounds at birth. They found that 69 percent of these teens reported their health as "good to excellent" as adolescents - roughly the same rate reported by both a control group of teens who weighed at least 7 pounds as newborns, and the general population of U.S. adolescents.
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Information is reported as provided and does not necessarily represent the view of the National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition. A complete copy of HMHB's disclaimer is available on our website.
Preemie Matters - May 2012
In this issue of Preemie Matters - June 14-15 in Washington, DC: National Premature Infant Health Coalition Summit • Webinar Slides & Audio Available Online: Acute Stress Disorder, PTSD & Postpartum Depression in Parents of NICU Babies • "Born Too Soon" Report Provides First National, Regional & Global Estimates of Preterm Birth • Partner Profile: Life After NICU • Video Shares Researcher & Family Stories on Retinopathy of Prematurity • NPIHC Facebook Page Brings Partners Together.
June 15th in Washington, DC: National Premature Infant Health Coalition Summit
Connections 2012 is coming soon! Don't miss a keynote address by pioneer researcher and world-renowned expert in Kangaroo Mother Care, Dr. Nils Bergman; a panel on developmental care with Dr. Laura Jana, Dr. Mitchell Goldstein, and Dr. Ricki Goldstein from the NICU Follow-up Club; a session on using social media to educate and communicate in the field of prematurity featuring blogger and advocate Heather Spohr, John Richards, and LinkedIn founding advisory board member Dr. Ellen Levy; roundtable discussions on a variety of topics; and a town hall for all attendees to share creative strategies for meeting current challenges. Help us promote Connections 2012! Share the exciting plans, along with the online registration form.
Webinar Slides & Audio Available Online: Acute Stress Disorder, PTSD & Postpartum Depression in Parents of NICU Babies
We had over 300 individuals participate in the May 9th NPIHC webinar, "Acute Stress Disorder (ASD), Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Postpartum Depression (PPD) in Parents of NICU Babies." The presenter, Dr. Michael Hynan, discussed symptoms, trajectories of recovery, interventions and model NICU programs - as well as research on the potentially dangerous relationship between high levels of emotional distress in new parents and impaired infant development. Slides and audio from the webinar are now available online. You can also download a PDF of the full presentation with references.
"Born Too Soon" Report Provides First National, Regional & Global Estimates of Preterm Birth
A report released earlier this month-"Born Too Soon: The Global Action Report on Preterm Birth"-provides the first-ever national, regional, and global estimates of preterm birth and identifies priority actions. The report is a joint effort of almost 50 organizations, led by March of Dimes; the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health; Save the Children; and the World Health Organization (WHO), in support of the Every Woman Every Child Effort launched by the UN Secretary General. Extensive media coverage followed the report's release, with coverage from The New York Times, TIME magazine, and others.
Partner Profile: Life After NICU
Life After NICU, a blog and online support forum for preemie parents, was founded in the fall of 2011 by two NICU moms whose children were both hospitalized at Rush-Copley Medical Center in Illinois. These parents saw a need to create a support group for others "at all stages of the journey," from pre-delivery until long after heading home from the neonatal ICU. Through the blog and their Facebook page, Life After NICU provides preemie moms and dads with a safe space in which to share personal stories, process emotions and share resources and information.
Video Shares Researcher & Family Stories on Retinopathy of Prematurity
A new outreach video from the National Eye Institute (NEI) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) features researchers and families sharing stories of hope for Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP). Clinical research conducted by NEI has shown that through an eye exam, doctors can identify infants who are most likely to benefit from early treatment for this potentially blinding eye condition, resulting in better vision for many children. ROP is one the leading causes of blindness among children in the United States, and occurs in as many as 15,000 children born prematurely in the U.S. each year. Share this video with others as tool to educate about ROP and important research being done in this area.
NPIHC Facebook Page Brings Partners Together
Have you "liked" the new National Premature Infant Health Coalition (NPIHC) Facebook page? We are enjoying using this platform to help partners in the field of prematurity connect to share information, network, and provide support. It's the only forum that connects multidisciplinary professionals working in the field of prematurity. Please share this resource and feel free to post on the page to promote news, events, research, and more. We want to hear from you!
Information is reported as provided and does not necessarily represent the view of the National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition. A complete copy of HMHB's disclaimer is available on our website.