In this issue of Preemie Matters • NPIHC November Webinar • Low-Income Preemies • Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Day • Papas of Preemies • Celine Dion PSA • Prematurity Awareness Month • NPIHC Membership.
NPIHC Webinar: Oklahoma Infant Alliance's Late Preterm Infant Toolkit
Join the National Premature Infant Health Coalition on Thursday, November 15th at 2 p.m. ET for a webinar on the Oklahoma Infant Alliance Late Preterm Infant Toolkit. Oklahoma has an unacceptable rate of preterm deliveries at 13.8%, with over three-fourths of those born late preterm (10%) by the last data from the March of Dimes. The Oklahoma Infant Alliance sought to meet the needs of this vulnerable population through the development of a toolkit for use in hospitals and agencies who work with the late preterm infant. This webinar will describe the identified problem, the process of development of a clinical practice guideline based on current evidence-based resources and research, and final content of the Late Preterm Toolkit for physicians, allied health, and families with a goal of reduction of morbidities associated with late preterm birth. Register today!
Heightened Risks for Low-Income Preemies
New research from Johns Hopkins Children's Center finds that preterm babies of low-income parents are at high risk for developing dangerous brain bleeds that require multiple surgeries and extensive follow-up treatment. Published in Pediatric Neurosurgery, the small study also found that preemies from lower-income families and those with public health insurance had fewer scheduled follow-up appointments and more emergency room visits, compared to preemies with private health insurance and those from higher-income homes. The team says their findings need to be replicated on a wider scale to learn more about the reasons behind these disparities, but note that their findings represent a "sobering reminder of the role socio-economic factors can play in health outcomes."
Commemorating Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Day
To mark October 15th as Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day, the National Premature Infant Health Coalition used social media to promote resources for both families and professionals from partners including the National SUID/SIDS Resource Center and First Candle. On NPIHC's Facebook page, we also created a special post marking the observance and inviting families to share their stories, honor and remember. Many did, and 74 friends and colleagues shared the post through their own social media channels. We encourage families to continue to contribute their stories and remembrances to this online tribute.
Partner Profile: Papas of Preemies
Online support community Papas of Preemies gives fathers a voice in the world of prematurity and takes a dad's perspective in navigating the journey through the neonatal ICU and beyond. Founded by a preemie dad, the Papas of Preemies community - networked through a website and blog, Facebook page and Twitter handle - offers fathers a safe and welcoming space in which to share their stories and connect with others who have been through similar experiences. Their message: You are not alone.
Celine Dion PSA Brings Global Attention to Prematurity
A new TV PSA featuring Celine Dion calls on families to use social media to connect with each other and to ask governments for action preventing premature births. Produced in English and French versions, the PSA is part of a global campaign from partners March of Dimes, Partnership for Maternal Newborn and Child Health, Save the Children, and the World Health Organization (WHO). "I share the fears and concerns of all parents knowing that more than one million babies around the world die every year because they didn't get enough time to grow," Dion says in the PSA, directing viewers to a World Prematurity Day Facebook page where they can write about and post a picture of their child, family member, or friend whose child was born too soon. A world map lights up each individual's posting and allows them to connect with and support others around the globe.
Gearing Up for Prematurity Awareness Month
November is Prematurity Awareness Month, when sponsor March of Dimes focuses the nation's attention on premature birth. The awareness month kicks off November 1 with the release of the 2012 Premature Birth Report Card, followed by World Prematurity Day on November 17, when partner organizations worldwide raise awareness about preterm birth as a serious public health problem. Let us know how you are taking part in this year's prematurity health observance!
Join Us! Become a Member of the National Premature Infant Health Coalition
Are you interested in becoming a National Premature Infant Health Coalition member? Members work collaboratively with the Coalition to disseminate information and news, promote events, and reach the broad NPIHC professional and parent network. If you are a nonprofit organization or entity, you're eligible to complete the application for membership. All friends of the Coalition are invited to check out our resources and connect with us, but those eligible for membership are encouraged to take the extra step of completing the application and making membership official.
Information is reported as provided and does not necessarily represent the view of the National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition. A complete copy of HMHB's disclaimer is available on our website.