This webinar is presented by Mike McCoy on The Oklahoma Infant Alliance Late Preterm Infant Toolkit. Oklahoma has an unacceptable rate of preterm deliveries at 13.8%, with over three-fourths of those born late preterm (10%) by the last data from the March of Dimes. The Oklahoma Infant Alliance sought to meet the needs of this vulnerable population through the development of a toolkit for use in hospitals and agencies who work with the late preterm infant. This webinar describes the identified problem, the process of development of a clinical practice guideline based on current evidence-based resources and research, and final content of the Late Preterm Toolkit for physicians, allied health, and families with a goal of reduction of morbidities associated with late preterm birth. Other Panelists include Denise Cole, Coordinator- Office of Perinatal Quality Improvement, Bunny Hudson, Program Director- Oklahoma Infant Transition Program, Bonnie Bellah, Executive Director - Oklahoma Infant Alliance, and Raja Nandyal, Chair- Oklahoma Infant Alliance.