Gestational diabetes telehealth program tied to improved monitoring

Telehealth can provide an attractive alternative to in-person educational and psychosocial support for women with gestational diabetes, according to a presenter at the American Diabetes Association 79th Scientific Sessions.

CDC finds disparities in breast milk receipt by gestational age

Receipt of any breast milk varies with gestational age, ranging from 71.3 percent of extremely preterm infants to 84.6 percent of term infants, according to research published in the June 7 issue of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.

1 in 7 babies is born underweight, with dire consequences for their health, global study says

Over 20 million babies around the world -- about 1 out of every 7 -- were born underweight in 2015, a slight improvement over rates in 2000 but not enough to meet goals and prevent global health consequences, according to a new study.

NICU Cleanslate machine kills bacteria on cellphones to keep babies healthy

For newborn babies at Winner Palmer Hospital's NICU, each day can be a battle that requires extra care. Now a new piece of equipment is helping them fight the odds and bacteria. It starts with disinfecting your cell phone.