CDC finds disparities in breast milk receipt by gestational age
Infants Aren’t the Only Ones Hurt by RSV
A seasonal respiratory virus that threatens the lives of infants also can have a ripple effect on caregivers, families and workplaces, a new data analysis demonstrates.
Breastfeeding Brings a Heart Bonus for Mom
1 in 7 babies is born underweight, with dire consequences for their health, global study says
Early term infants less likely to breastfeed: Study
NICU quiet times may lead to fewer noises, stronger heart rates
NICU Cleanslate machine kills bacteria on cellphones to keep babies healthy
‘Hugs Not Drugs’ for Opioid-Dependent Newborns
Cuddling reduces stress for premature babies
Neonatal intensive care units are marvels of medical technology that have saved the lives of countless infants born too early or weighing too little. Nevertheless, life in a NICU can be very stressful to a newborn.
Legacy of Gulf War Deployment: Higher Risk of Minor Birth Defects
Long work commutes of pregnant women linked to low birth weights
Pregnant women with long work commutes are at increased risk of having a baby with a low birth weight, according to a study published this week in the journal Economics & Human Biology.
Exclusive breastfeeding may reduce teen LDL, total cholesterol
Newborn's 'Microbiome' Could Give Clues to Weight Later
Children living in vicinity of major roads are at high risk of developmental delays
Herbals in Pregnancy May Endanger Mom, Baby
HSV rates soar among Medicaid-insured neonates
New Hope, New Challenges for Moms with Postpartum Depression
Failing to diagnose diabetes during pregnancy could increase the risk of stillbirth
A Mother's Exposure to Pesticides During Pregnancy May Raise Children's Autism Risk
In one of the largest studies looking at the potential effects of pesticide exposure on still-developing fetuses and newborns, scientists found that exposure to the most commonly used pesticides was linked to higher risk of autism spectrum disorder.