In this issue of Preemie Matters: Betty Jordan, DNSc, RNC, shares observations, research and discoveries on Women's Health • Request for Submission- Women's Health Journal • Effectiveness Of Fish Oil In Preventing Preterm Labor
Betty Jordan, DNSc, RNC, shares observations, research and discoveries on Women's Health
PNWG member and Co-Director of the Birth Companions program at the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing, Betty Jordan, is the featured "Women's Health Expert" on the Yahoo! Health site. Entries include topics such as: back-to-school safety, cervical cancer awareness, managing morning sickness, breastfeeding, communicating with your medical professional, and many, many more.
To read her blog and show your support, please click here.
Request for Submission- Women's Health Journal
The George Washington University Jacobs Institute of Women's Health and its "Women's Health Issues" journal are celebrating 20 years! If you are interested in submitting a manuscript for consideration, we welcome your input. If interested, please review the author instructions. Since its founding in 1990 at the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the journal has endeavored to contribute to the mission of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health to:
- Identify and study women's health care issues involving the interaction of medical and social systems;
- Facilitate informed dialogue and foster awareness among consumers and providers alike; and
- Promote problem resolution, interdisciplinary coordination, and information dissemination at the regional, national, and international levels.
Effectiveness Of Fish Oil In Preventing Preterm Labor
A recent study has shown that supplementation of asymptomatic pregnant women with one fish oil capsule per day is a potentially cost-effective intervention in the prevention of pre-term labor before 34 weeks of pregnancy. Published in the December 2009 edition of the journal Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, the study authors investigated the potential cost-effectiveness of alternative "test and treat" strategies in the prevention of spontaneous pre-term birth before 34 and 37 weeks' gestation. They studied asymptomatic women in early pregnancy and symptomatic women with potential pre-term labor in later pregnancy. Systematic reviews found evidence on the accuracy of 22 types of tests and on the effectiveness of 40 possible interventions. The authors conclude that the use of effective, affordable and safe interventions, like supplementation with fish oil capsules, are likely to be the most cost-effective strategies for prevention of spontaneous pre-term labor and birth.
To access the study abstract online, click here.
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