In this issue of Preemie Matters: NPIHC's November Webinar • Perspectives from Preemie Mom • AWHONN's "Go the Full 40" Campaign • Social Networking on World Prematurity Day • Keep 'Em Cookin'
NPIHC's November Webinar
Missed our November 15th webinar on the Oklahoma Infant Alliance's Late Preterm Infant Toolkit? It is now archived online, so be sure to check out this learning opportunity and share with colleagues. The toolkit is a key resource for physicians, allied health professionals, and families. It was developed in response to Oklahoma's 13.8% rate of preterm deliveries, with over three-fourths of those being late preterm according to the most recent data. The Oklahoma Infant Alliance sought to meet the needs of this vulnerable population through the development of a toolkit for use in hospitals and agencies working with late preterm infants. The webinar provided an overview of the problem, the process of developing a clinical practice guideline based on current evidence-based resources and research, and final content of the Late Preterm Toolkit.
Perspectives from Preemie Mom & NPIHC Steering Committee Member Deb Discenza
A new post on the National Premature Infant Health Coalition blog features perspective and words of encouragement from a preemie mom and NPIHC steering committee member. Deb Discenza, author of The Preemie Parent's Survival Guide to the NICU (available through and moderator of the Preemie Support Forum at, is the mother of a now school-age daughter born at 30 weeks. Deb's unique vantage point on the challenges faced as preemie babies grow up has informed her education and advocacy work, supporting the families of children born too soon and too small. We thank Deb for her contribution!
Sign & Share the Pledge: AWHONN's "Go the Full 40" Campaign
The Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) is promoting its "Don't Rush Me... Go the Full 40" campaign with a national pledge drive, encouraging pregnant women who are healthy and well to wait for spontaneous labor. In addition to targeting expectant moms, AWHONN also encourages healthcare providers and friends and family of pregnant women to sign the pledge, with a goal of more than 50,000 signatures. To join this effort, sign the pledge directly or visit the AWHONN Facebook page. After lending your signature, you'll be invited to share it with up to 50 of your friends and colleagues.
Social Networking on World Prematurity Day
On November 17th the second World Prematurity Day brought together hundreds of associations, professionals, and private sector organizations, as well as thousands of individuals. They participated in national events and shared personal stories through a global campaign raising awareness of preterm birth. The World Prematurity Day page on Facebook engaged more than 50,000 new individuals and shared personal stories from 83 countries. The discussion on Twitter reached nearly 30 million advocates through a 12-hour, multi-partner #WorldPrematurityDay Twitter Relay.
Keep 'Em Cookin'
Guided by the mission of preventing preterm birth, Keep 'Em Cookin' is an online educational community and support group for pregnant women on bed rest and all expectant moms experiencing high-risk pregnancies. Named Pregnancy magazine's "Website We Can't Live Without," Keep 'Em Cookin meets a significant need for the nearly one in five women who will be put on bed rest due to pregnancy complications that could cause premature birth, providing information and support to make the journey easier.
Future Needs & Challenges for "Extreme Preemies"
Two studies published in the British Medical Journal and presented at a briefing in London earlier this month suggest that the number of children and adults with disabilities caused by premature birth will rise in coming years, likely increasing demand for health, educational and social services. The first study examines short-term outcomes for babies born extremely preterm, and the second looks at later developmental and neurological outcomes. The researchers suggest that as the number of extremely preterm babies who survive and are able to go home from the hospital continues to rise, individuals, families, and communities will face new challenges and will need support networks. As noted by these teams, rates of premature birth are rising across many European countries, with particularly high rates in Great Britain and the United States.
Information is reported as provided and does not necessarily represent the view of the National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition. A complete copy of HMHB's disclaimer is available on our website.